Monday, February 27, 2012

RH BILL – still a HOT ISSUE!

            RH bill or the Reproductive Health Bill is a very long-timed bill proposed by the Congress. The bill aims to give Filipinos an access to methods and information about birth control and maternal care. 
      House Bill 4244 is an act establishing a comprehensive policy on Responsible Parenthood. Reproductive Health, and Population and Development. Section 1 states that the Act shall be known as the "The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011." Moreover, Section 2 of the bill states that the State recognizes and guarantees the exercise of the universal basic human right to reproductive health by all persons, particularly of parents, couples and women, consistent with their religious convictions, cultural beliefs and the demands of responsible parenthood. Toward this end, there shall be no discrimination against any person on grounds of sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities, political affiliation and ethnicity. (view here the complete copy of RH Bill)
         Apparently, the bill has not yet passed because of the abreast debate about it. Different groups, individuals, including the government and the Catholic Church are still fighting for their stand on this bill.

Here are the positions of each member of this team about the RH Bill:

·         I am for RH Bill since it protects child and maternal health care and echoes the voice of the minority group who don’t belong to the Christian community but still are restricted to use all kinds of birth control methods because of that invisible hand grabbing the rights of everyone in the country. Rh Bill just provides us with an option of birth control and does not clearly state that it should be patronized by everyone. So for me no harm would be done if we would just broaden our perspectives and think what would be good for everyone not just to the majority.
                  Marc Louis Cancio,
                  BA Psychology, UPDEPP

·         This undying topic has caused a lot of criticism from the Church and from other people who are called “pro-life people”. We think that those people who are against it do not see the full picture of the issue. Why? Because they concentrate more on the issue of “sex”, “abortion” and “contraceptives” but the coverage of RH bill is more than that.
      “The Reproductive Health (RH) bill mandates health and local agencies to inform Filipino couples about birth control methods, maternal health care and other reproductive health concerns. Sex education will be introduced in schools as well.”
      It would be well understood if people would take in a more logical manner focusing on the benefits that this country could derived from it. This bill would be a huge contributing factor to alleviating poverty in this country, taken collectively with other programs and actions against poverty-related issues.
       Nowadays, there are mounting cases of teenage pregnancy mainly because most of these teens are not aware of the risk associated with engaging in premarital sex. Sex education could be essential in addressing this issue because knowledge is always the best antidote to curiosity. Through RH bill, this people will be educated further about this matter.

      Next, let us take into account married couples; they have the freedom to choose what birth control or family planning methods they are going to use as long as it is safe and legal. Sex is part of marriage without sex how could they make a happy family without children. These people are responsible in taking care of their children providing them with their basic needs and giving them the quality life they deserve. But that is not the case nowadays, how many of us have encountered street children begging for some coins or food you are eating while passing by? For those who are a bit concern would ask them “Nasaan ba ang Nanay mo?” or “Nasaan ba ang mga magulang mo?” and for those who do not care at all would just ignore them and ask them to go away. This is the worst case scenario that might happen if all the couples would irresponsibly engage in sex without using any birth control methods. Again, through RH bill these cases could be lessened.
                 Aurea Marie Santos & Nerissa Benedictos,
                 BS Business Management, UPDEPP

·         I AM PRO LIFE: Maturity not Hypocrisy
            Poor families tend to be bigger than families who are above the poverty line. Bigger families with very small gaps between siblings tend to have fewer budgets for each child’s needs. Malnutrition tends to be more observable in bigger families than small families. What is the root on all of this? I say overpopulation.
We cannot deny that overpopulation is a big problem in our country, I can say not only today but also yesterday. But are we going to let it be a problem tomorrow?  The RH is now being a way to stop this but as the population increases we also keep on hearing the loud voice of debate. I would like to give my opinion regarding the Reproductive Health Bill, am I pro or against it?
I do not want to mention million trivial statistics and quote a lot of sayings in giving my opinion. Including millions of unnecessary quotation marks does not make me more intelligent. I would like to give my opinion straight to the point and based on what I know, not on what the church or politicians say. In my opinion it is better to legalize the RH bill because of the following reasons.
First of all, education is needed. Many teenagers engage in premarital sex and many women have unwanted pregnancy. Someone may say I am pro-abortion since I am mentioning this. I am telling you I am not. Excuse me for all the religious readers; I do not want to say something bad about the church or our religion because I, myself, am a Christian. I would just like to mention that we must stop being hypocrites and pretending that natural is all we need. Sometimes, natural way of contraception through abstinence may not be successful. I have read a forum before where in almost all of those who responded are against the RH bill.
Why are they against the RH bill? They mentioned a lot of reasons which I admit are really true. I remembered someone who said, what we need is to know what the importance of life on earth is so that people will not be reckless on having sex ending up into unwanted pregnancy. He has a point on saying this but I think that barely knowing this may not be enough. Most of the times, people knows the danger of what they are doing, they know the consequences, they do not want to do it but sometimes they cannot help it. May be lack of discipline but it can also be because of the lack of knowledge and access to the things that they can use. In a country, where population is not only the problem but also discipline, we need something to help us not to be in greater danger.
Agreeing in the RH Bill does not mean that I will already use contraceptives, engage in premarital sex and promote abortion. A blind man cannot lead a blind man on his right path, so those who know better than others, let us help others to manage they lives well. I AM PRO LIFE AND I AM PRO RH BILL. The ultimate reason why I want Filipinos to gain access from the RH bill is because I want them to gain access to modern birth control methods. I believe that every child is a parent’s responsibility and viewed as a gift from God. But if the pregnancy is unwanted a parent might not look at it that way given the pressure that one can receive from the judge mental society. In gaining access to modern methods of family planning, children can have their right of a better future being in a well planned family who can support their needs financially and emotionally. Using contraceptives is like saying you cannot rear a child – that is what I call maturity not immorality.
                I also want to have the bill passed because through this, people can get what they need. Others are saying that corruption is the problem why we are poor, not overpopulation. If that is the case, the corrupt officials will then be obligated on providing what is for the Filipinos. On section 3n of RH bill it is mentioned that “Development is a multi-faceted process that calls for the coordination and integration of policies, plans, programs and projects that seek to uplift the quality of life of the people, more particularly the poor, the needy and the marginalized.” Through this bill leaders will be FORCED to give what is for the people.
To end my stand on RH bill, I would like to mention about the biggest issue about this law. Many people also have the misconception on the law of abortion. It is vague today because there is no law, the RH bill is not really pro –abortion, it is just to protect woman from something that is out of their control. Specifically, abortion is illegal and punishable by law. This is applicable except on two cases: first is if the pregnancy can be a cause of a woman’s death and lastly is when a patient is minor and has been raped by his father.  There are thousands of young women today who are dying because they lack access to medical professionals who are open- minded to help them. Many of them cannot afford the service of private professionals and most are being passed on one doctor to another because they are afraid to perform the procedure because someone might file a case against them. And parental rape, I cannot imagine how hard this might be for someone seeing her child and at the same time her sibling.
As my friend said “A country that struggles and lacking discipline as we are... we need some restraints on all directions (many directions actually) in order to make it (survive)!” (David, 2012). Stand up and be open minded. Stop being a hypocrite, stop pretending that everything is fine and unruffled. Anti- RH Bill? You might only be primed by norms about the bill. Take a closer look and think twice!
Let us stop “Hypocrisy” and start “Maturity”!
                                                                                          Anna Mae PareƱo,
                                                                                          BA Psychology, UPDEPP

·         I support RH bill because of very practical reasons. I firmly believe that the country is experiencing too much poverty because it is over populated. With rh bill, it is sure that the population growth will be controlled. The main argument here is it is anti-life, and it is anti-God. But what is more important, follow the teachings of the Bible from word to word and expect our country to remain in poverty for the next five years, or be practical and see our country improved little by little? RH bill will not make God mad at you. He could be even happy with your decision and tell you in your dreams, “son, you did well for your countrymen, I’m proud of you.”  Do I need to say more?
                                                                        Glenn Martin Cruz,
                                                                     BS Business Management, UPDEPP

·         RH BILL is an unending battle, a battle for what each Filipino believes. Different reactions, stands, positions have arisen. Different views and opinions have observed.

I, coming from a middle class family, have seen the challenge of life. Being a member of a small family and being surrounded by large-numbered families, I recognized the importance of every centavo the provider in a family is earning. Whenever I see a large-numbered family in a lower level class, I always thought of the way they live their life. Different questions come up to my mind, “Are they all eating 3 times a day? Are the children studying? , Are the earnings enough to cover all their needs? ,etc.”

I must say, poverty is not solely caused by overpopulation, but it becomes one of the roots of such problem. Thus, let us admit that the lack of information and resources regarding birth control is one of the reasons why these things happen.

I believe that favoring RH Bill will not make Filipinos engage in pre-marital and extra-marital sex. It will also not make parents fool from teaching their children information about sex. I believe, it is very wrong to say that RH Bill will put Filipinos at risk of extinction. Besides, I think that RH Bill would never mean or promote abortion, for it will be the guide for every couple in birth control. It will also be the guide for every family to a more stable living. In addition, It will protect and educate women with the basics of family planning.

For me, RH Bill will not kill life. Instead, RH Bill will be a promotion for a more stable and successful living for every individual in this cruel society. Lastly, RH Bill will be one of the best weapon to end the battle with poverty.
                                                                     Bryan Paul Lopez
                                                                     BS Business Management, UPDEPP

            Clearly, our team show support in the passing of RH BILL, for we believe that this bill will be a be a great help for the Filipinos to be more advance, to be well equipped, and to widen up every Filipinos’ mind set about the present state of our society.






